Krishnan Venagaragava Chary
Saveetha Medical College, India
Krishnan Vengadaragava Chary Did his post graduation from prestigious Stanley Medical College . He is an eminent pharmacologist , well known for his teaching skills in college and PG entrance coaching. He has won many prizes including a best poster in IPS conference at Bangalore. He is research coordinator of Saveetha Medical College and consultant for few ethics committee and contract research organization at Chennai. He has five SCOPUS , PUBMED indexed publications. He is reviewer of Science and Engineering Research Board ( SERB), Govt of India and in few biomedical journals. He has authored a chapter of Pharmacology in book entitled TARGET JIPMER , 1st ed, 2013 published by Wolters Kluwer
Abstract : A critical analysis on irrational fixed dose combinations of nutraceutical’s in India