Gurdip Singh
Gorakhpur University
In view of the recent consumer awareness towards green consumerism, some of the prevalent synthetic preservatives are not reliable in the present day. In this context, essential oils often having strong antimicrobial and antioxidant potential may be used as natural preservatives to realize the consumer demand for safe, healthy and nutritious food. The chemical composition of various spicy essential oils and oleoresins were investigated by GC and GC-MS techniques. In addition, their antioxidant capacities were investigated by various antioxidant assays like DPPH radical scavenging method, ferric thiocyanate method, Fe(II) chelating activity, reducing power and various lipid peroxidation assays like peroxide value, TBA value, anisidine value, etc. The antioxidant activities of various essential oils and oleoresins were compared with a few synthetic antioxidants like BHA, BHT and PG. The bioactivity of essential oils and oleoresins was checked by monitoring their antifungal and antibacterial activities against a few pathogenic and food-borne fungi and bacteriae. Many of the essential oils were found to be better antioxidants than BHA and BHT and also possess good antimicrobial activity.
Research Interest
Nanomaterials, High Energetic Materials, Essential Oils & Oleoresins, Solid State Sulfonation.