Chate D B
Mahatma Basweshwar College, India
Chate D B is presently working as the Head and as an Assistant Professor of Botany. He has 22 years of teaching and research experience. He has published 14 research papers in national and international journals. He has also presented and attended many national and international conferences. He is working as a reviewer of some national and international journals. He has worked as the Board Member of the College and University Development. He is a recipient of the Rajashri Shahu Maharaj National Teacher Award. He is also working as the General Secretary, Teachers Association, SRT-MUCTA, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded. He is a life member of Bionano Frontiers Journal and Indian Aerobiological Society. He is also working as an Editor-in-Chief of Vision Research Journal.
Abstract : Incidence of aeromycoflora over the groundnut field from Latur district