Chate D B
Mahatma Basweshwar College, India
Title: Incidence of aeromycoflora over the groundnut field from Latur district
Biography: Chate D B
Groundnut or peanut (Arachis hypogaea. Linn) is an important oil seed crop in many topical and warm temperature regions of the world. Oil seeds account for one ninth of the total agricultural production in India. The vegetable oil is extensively used for cooking purposes and in the manufacturing of soap and other by product. The residual cake is rich in nitrogen and is used as cattle feed or as manure for crop plants. During present investigation more emphasis has been given on the fungal components of air spora such aerobiological study is useful for obtaining an efficient forecasting system and preventing ground nut crop from the attack of disastrous airborne disease. The importance of studies of airospora over the groundnut crop field is to understand the dissemination and spread of airborne microbial components including pathogen in the atmosphere. The present investigation was carried out in two groundnut sampling fields i.e. Wagholi and Ausa. The present investigation was carried out to calculate the concentration of air borne pathogen causing groundnut diseases and to study the close relationship between the spore concentration, disease incidence, meteorological factors and growth stages of the groundnut crop. In present investigation air monitoring survey is carried out by using air sampler. Supporting to this work air sampler Petri plates exposure method for 15 days regular interval. Two diseases are common over groundnut nut tikka leafs spot diseased caused by cercospora arachidicola Hori and cercospora personatum. During the present investigation the major fungal group Deuteromycetes, Basidiomycetes, Ascomycetes have been found.