Alwand Tahir Rasheed Dizayee
Salahaddin University, Iraq
Alwand Tahir Dizayee has been awarded PhD in 2001 at University of Baghdad in the field of Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition. During 2001-02, He was a consultant at FAO- Iraq-Kurdistan office. he have been the Head of department of Soil and Water Science, College of Agriculture University of Salahaddin since 2015 up to date. He supervised seven M Sc students in the field of my specialization. He have polished 13 research papers. his field of interest is DRIS and nutrient balance, As an Assistant professor, he taught the soil fertility and plant nutrition for undergraduate students and advanced Soil Fertility for postgraduate students.
Abstract : Role of nitrogen and sulfur application on nutrients balance of corn (Zeamays)using DRIS methodology