Alwand Tahir Rasheed Dizayee
Salahaddin University, Iraq
Title: Role of nitrogen and sulfur application on nutrients balance of corn (Zeamays)using DRIS methodology
Biography: Alwand Tahir Rasheed Dizayee
An experiment was conducted at the farm of the college of Agriculture University of Salahaddin-Erbil at Grdarasha site, on a silty clay loam (36ο 07Ì’ 14..36Ë N, 44 ο 00Ì’ 48.23Ì‹Ë E, altitude = 411 m ), it is apart of wide plain, during the growing season of 18-7-2009 to 1-11-2009 conducted in the field ,to study the effect of different levels of N (0,80,160,240,320,400 Kg N ha-1) ,S (0,30,60,90 Kg S ha-1) and their combination on yield components and nutrient balance of corn by using DRIS methodology using the factorial experiment in CRBD with three replications . The results indicated that combination between Nitrogen and Sulfur levels affected on the grain yield, straw and total dry matter in the corn plant was significant .The highest means values (18.27, 9.0, 27.02 Mg ha-1) respectively for grain yield straw and total dry matter were recorded from (N5S3) treatments combination except the straw (9.0 Mg ha-1) was recorded with (N4S3) treatment combination ,the lowest mean value are (16.83,10.05 Mg ha 1).respectively in treatment combination (N0S0) for straw and total dry matter except the grain yield (6.7 Mg ha-1) was recorded under N0S3. The combination between Nitrogen and Sulfur levels significantly affected on the concentration of (Nitrogen, Potassium and Sulfur) in the corn plant, the highest means values (23.33, 3.17, 5.82 mg g-1) was recorded from the treatment combination (N4S2, N4S3, N0S3), whereas the lowest means values are (14.73, 2.62, 2.55 mg g-1) were recorded from in (N0S1, N0S0, N5S0) treatments combination. The lowest nutrient balance index were recorded from treatment combination (N5S3) was recorded (0.67, 2.32, -4.45, 5.11, 0.05, -3.7 ) al so the maximum yield was recorded in treatment combination (N5S3) is (18.28 Mg ha-1)