Amira-Liliana RodrÃguez-Amaya
National University of Colombia, Colombia
Amira-Liliana Rodríguez-Amayais a Chemical Engineer specialized in Food Process Engineering and Biomaterials, with a PhD in Food Science and Technology and a Master's degree in Agri-Food Engineering. He is a Full Professor at the Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Bogotá, since 2008. He is the Leader of the research group in Food Biomolecules. He has his research interests in the extraction and purification of bioactive molecules for their application in nutraceutical products and functional foods, as well as, on the design of processes for a profitable utilization of food industry by-products. In the last five years, he has carried out research studies in the development of functional dairy products.