Benjamin K. Simpson
Canadian Institute of Food Science & Technology (CIFST)
Dr Benjamin K. Simpson is a professor at the Department of Food Science & Technology, Canada. He got Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada 1984. His current research is on Post-mortem biochemistry of fish/shellfish,Enzymes from marine organisms,Chitin and chitosans from crustacean waste,Biodegradable plastic films from chitosan and starch,Carotenoid pigments from crustacean waste,Gelatin from fish skins,He has published several papers in Food Science & Technology.
Research Interest
on the post-morten biochemistry of marine organisms - more specifically on the roleof endogenous enzymes in seafood quality alterations; biotechnological approaches to enhance value of by-products of seafood harvesting/processing.