Solomon Nfor
St. Philip’s College, USA
Title: Teaching nutrition using civic engagement learning model at an HBCU/HSI College
Biography: Solomon Nfor
Jessica’s project is a non-profit organization affiliated with the with St. Philip’s College in San Antonio, Texas. It is a civic engagement project that brings faculty, staff and students together impact change on various topics including education into diseases associated with diet, teenage and unplanned pregnancy, the operation of community gardens and hunger banquets. The author will present, high impact practices in teaching nutrition in disproportionately low-in minority institutions using civic engagement. How to develop research interest in science students on the topic of nutrition, and getting students involved in demystifying concepts of nutrition and health. Because of their low-income status, many east side citizens resigned on healthy lifestyle as being associated with the rich and affluent. A notion we are intent to erase by the special collaborative program engineered by our team at St. Philip’s College include, encouraging healthy eating habits through lunch and learn workshops at the garden or various nutrition programs hosted by the churches, educating the community on foods and related diseases through active research by students and poster presentation, encouraging a culture of health in targeted population and increasing routine medical check-ups for adult and teenagers by hosting wellness week on campus with free medical check-up. This training presentation will give the participant an opportunity to design a community-based project. Participant Outcomes include designing a community based project, integrating learning assessment into civic engagement and critical reflection on the progress of project.