Nawal Alissa
Kent State University, USA
Title: Risk perceptions of cardiovascular disease among Saudi Arabian women in relation to home cooking and intentions to cook low fat meals
Biography: Nawal Alissa
The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk perceptions and cooking behaviors of Saudi Arabian women in relation to cardiovascular disease (CVD) and intentions to cook low fat meals. Participants were Saudi Arabian women (ages 22-55). Data were collected through self-administered paper-pencil surveys in the summer of 2016. This study was conducted in a primary care clinic’s waiting room in a single hospital (King Khalid University Hospital) providing services to patients mainly from the Riyadh district of Saudi Arabia. The Home Cooking and Intentions to Cook Low Fat Meals Survey instrument was used in data collection. Both descriptive and inferential statistical data analyses were conducted using SPSS version 24.
The major findings of this study showed a moderate negative correlation between risk perception of CVD and fat-related cooking behavior. Significant positive correlation is seen between risk perception of CVD and intention to cook low fat meals. The participants demonstrated high fat cooking behavior. This study was a first step in looking at Saudi Arabian women’s cardiovascular health in relation to dietary behaviors. It is hoped that the findings from this study will be a springboard for future research, contribute greater insight into the association between risk perceptions, intentions to cook low fat meals, and cooking behaviors in Saudi Arabian women. It is recommended to conduct further research to understand how perceptions are formed among Saudi Arabian women and why they do not practice healthy cooking behaviors to prevent CVD.