Raja N A Khan
Organizer, Malaysia
Title: Halal industrialization into food production-global perspective, scientific gaps & proposed solutions
Biography: Raja N A Khan
Statement of the Problem: Halal food is associated with billions of people with expected market worth 2.5 trillion USD at current & 4 as future estimation. It’s logical to predict that any problem with halal food can give birth to serious food-crises with huge losses to economics, market, food and energies along demand of huge shift of funds & food provision camps to cope it and cover up the need of food of halal user. If a food set up have some benefits then the same set up must have some drawbacks as well, especially when it’s not under scientific lines. Wise approach is to see the drawbacks, gaps and their expected solution as crises management relief. These gaps start from its definitions, conceptual level, production/farming, processing, certifications, marketing, consumer level, till sustainability. There is no or ineffective presence of any scientifically proven literature of halal standardization of products, halal food science, halal health, halal farming SOPs and halal R&D. Use of word “halal” as prefix with every industry & product other than food product from land to water without proper workout is not a wise approach as well. The absence of halal food grading system and halal standardization is the big hurdle in establishment of halal branding sustainably. A baseline scientific reference based on structural, function and nutritional profiles in determination of difference between Halal and Non-Halal are a vital & unavoidable question of future & market competition. The role of halal sharia expertise need to be well defined, standardize and lemmatized if halal food industry need to get develop on scientific lines as an open food of choice. Some research base definitions against following terminologies can be a good start toward development of actual halal science: halal sensory & chemical features, halal standardization, halal characterization, one unanimous halal definition and procedure, halal structural profile, halal nutritional profile, halal farming, halal scientific research & development. The outcome conclusions will serve as base line pilot study for many other studies.