Kadam K N
Shri. Kumarswami College, India
Title: Effect of fish cultivation water on food grade of fishes
Biography: Kadam K N
Present investigation was carried out to study the effect of water quality on food quality of fishes. India is agriculture based country. Indian economy is mostly based on agricultural yield. In recent years due to global warming and El Niño effect, draught and heavy rainfall frequency is increased. Government of India is monitoring these changes in the environment and the government introduced various schemes including agricultural ponds. Farmers of India are accepting the changed situations and in accordance with that the agricultural ponds build by farmers. These ponds were used for supplying water for crop cultivation. Beside, these fishes get cultured by farmers in agricultural ponds. From the present investigation, it is concluded that the fishes which were cultured in agricultural pond coated by polythene, grow rapidly and were less infected by parasites like cestodes. In this study, fishes of natural water body were infected by cestodes, mostly as compared to artificial ponds.