Call for Abstract

26th International Conference on Food Fraud & Safety, will be organized around the theme “Enlightening the Advancements and Exploring Innovations on Food and Nutrition”

Food and Nutrition 2022 is comprised of 27 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Food and Nutrition 2022.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Food fraud is the act of purposely altering, misrepresenting, substituting or tampering with any food product at any point along the farm–to–table food supply–chain. Fraud can occur in the raw material, in an ingredient, in the final product or in the food's packaging and Food safety is used as a scientific method/discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent food-borne illness.

Quality management implementation it is a management technique to assure, to control and to monitor the product quality in order to ensure that the end product was manufactured with high quality the development of food safety is mandatory while quality assurance is voluntary. It is not the same to implement food safety such as: GMP, SSOP, HACCP and/or others, that assures the consumption of food is safe, than to implement quality assurance.

This pandemic is slowing the global economy to a crawl but many of the largest economies are taking extra-ordinary measures to propel the crisis into rapid recovery. This considerable disaster shaking not only the world's economy but also the world's politics too which impacts throttling to the global economy and in a week or a couple of months the highly contagious disease has pushed the world to the brink of recession. As per Food Safety Specialist, Food and Agricultural Products Center, Ravi Jadeja in OSU marked his word as, "The risk associated with Novel COVID-19 in the food industry is low due to the regulatory and third-party audit Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) requirements that specifically address the exclusion of persons with any infectious diseases from the food-processing environment”.


Food and nutrition are the way that we get fuel, providing energy for our bodies. We need to replace nutrients in our bodies with a new supply every day. Water is an important component of nutrition. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are all required. Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological process by which an organism uses food to support its life.

Food security is the measure of the availability of food and individuals' ability to access it. According to the United Nations' Committee on World Food Security, food security is defined as meaning that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life. Improved food security governance based on sound, equitable, and sustainable food systems that benefit from modern information and sustainable and equitable agricultural technologies is essential for countries to meet the SDGs.

Nutrition & Dietetics, a subdiscipline of Medicine, is the science that focuses on everything related to food and its effect on our health and overall wellbeing. Nutritionists and dietitians aim to improve people's health and help them make better dietary choices and advance the science of human nutrition and the professional practice of nutrition and dietetics.

Quality control is used to manage the quality of processed food, testing the quality, and finding a buyer for that batch of food. Therefore, quality specifications should be written and agreed by the suppliers or sellers and any control issues need to be identified during the inspection process. Food QMS included five managerial functions: design (customer requirements), control (tolerances), improvement (reducing errors), assurance (evaluating and ensuring QMS performance), and quality policy/strategy (long-term food quality goals).

Sports nutrition focuses its studies on the type, as well as the quantity of fluids and food taken by an athlete. In addition, it deals with the consumption of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, supplements and organic substances that include carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Sports nutrition differs from regular nutrition because athletes require different amounts of nutrients compared to nonathletes. In order to perform optimally, you need to train hard and fuel your body appropriately.

A food given an additional function by adding new ingredients or more of existing ingredients is known as functional Food. An example of this type of fortification would be the historic addition of iodine to table salt, or Vitamin D to milk, done to resolve public health problems such as rickets. Fermented foods with live cultures are considered functional foods with probiotic benefits.

Clinical nutrition is important for patients in healthcare to deal with sickness, injuries, surgery and for proper recovery. It helps in preventing malnutrition, restoring body tissue and boosting energy and immunity in the body. It defined as 'a discipline that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and management of nutritional and metabolic changes related to acute and chronic disease and conditions caused by a lack or excess of energy and nutrients'.

Food production, as the name suggests, is all about preparing food, in which raw materials are converted into ready-made food products for human use either in the home or in the food processing industries. Its process comprises scientific approaches. Food production is classified into different categories: cultivation, harvesting, crop management, preservation, fermentation, crop production, cooking at restaurants, broiling, grilling, and baking.

The food and beverages industry is all companies involved in processing raw food materials, packaging, and distributing them. This includes fresh, prepared foods as well as packaged foods, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The food and beverage service industry are different from other industries in satisfying the needs of customers. It satisfies one of the most important physiological needs of the consumers, that is, hunger and thirst.

Microbiology and biochemistry have several differences in that microbiology is concerned with the characteristics of microscopic organisms while biochemistry is concerned with biochemical processes and reactions in all living organisms. Food microbiology comprehends the study of microorganisms that colonise, modify, and process, or contaminate and spoil food

The PCR method is not only for detecting viruses, it can also detect pathogens. In the food industry, testing for microbiological contamination is necessary. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a molecular method that is sensitive enough to detect infectious diseases, one of them is foodborne diseases.

Food waste management conserves Energy and resource. The process of growing crops, watering, transporting, and selling them consumes a lot of energy, and resources as well. When food waste is treated using a Biodigester 'CHUGG- food waste treatment system' eliminates the emission of Methane.

Food defense is the protection of food products from contamination or adulteration intended to cause public health harm or economic disruption. The food system within the United States continues to increase in complexity, diversity, and reliance upon interconnected domestic and global systems.

Food toxicology is the study of the nature, properties, effects and detection of toxic substances in food and their disease manifestation in humans. Radioactive elements, heavy metals, or the packing materials used in food processing are examples of such substances.

The composition of food means substance which the food is made up of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats and water. Food components are classified as energy giving foods that are carbohydrates and fats, body building Foods that are proteins, protective foods are vitamins and minerals. Substances that are added to food to maintain or improve the safety, freshness, taste, texture, or appearance of food are known as food additives. Some food additives have been in use for centuries for preservation – such as salt (in meats such as bacon or dried fish), sugar (in marmalade), or sulfur dioxide (in wine).

Personalized nutrition is rather defined as an approach that counts on details of an individual characteristics to evolve a package of nutritive counsel, products, or services. The terms similar as perfection nutrition, Nutrigenomics expressed acclimatized nutrition and stratified nutrition partly imbricates with substantiated nutrition. Some of the terms can be used synonymously as incorporated nutrition and expressed acclimatized nutrition. Both the terms indicate to convey suitable nutritive advice to separate existent. Whereas Nutrigenomics interlace characterization of gene products told by nutrient input and their reacted metabolic consequences.


Nourishment use is regularly just interpreted as meaning the physiological dietary benefit of nourishment. While consumes less calories should be healthfully adjusted and adequate in amount, nourishments likewise should be protected: free from poisons and different contaminants, and from pathogens and parasites. While numerous ultra-prepared nourishments fulfill these conditions, abundance utilization of such 'void calories' can likewise be named 'perilous', contributing as it does to overweight and stoutness, and attendant eating regimen related maladies. Nourishment utilization ought to be adequate in assortment, quality and amount to maintain a strategic distance from poor physical and psychological wellness results related with hunger, hindering, squandering and corpulence.

Nutrition in childcare provides a variety of resources to support early care and education professionals and families with information about healthy eating, active living, child development and child health. Optimal nutrition in early childhood not only supports growth and development to the child's full potential, but it can also initiate and reinforce healthy eating habits that contribute to overall health and well-being, and that may extend into later childhood and beyond.

Food allergy is an abnormal response to a food triggered by your body's immune system. Some foods, such as nuts, milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat or soybeans, can cause allergic reactions in people with food allergies. Food allergies appear to be more prevalent in children and some people may not know they have an allergy to a certain food product.

Food addiction refers to compulsive overeaters who engage in frequent episodes of uncontrolled eating (binge eating). The term binge eating means eating an unhealthy amount of food while feeling that one's sense of control has been lost. At first, the food addiction comes in the form of cravings, so a person is naturally caught unaware when suddenly they find that they cannot cope without the craving. Types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Eating disorders often co-occur with other psychiatric disorders most commonly mood and anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder and alcohol and drug abuse problems.


Malnutrition occurs when the body doesn't get enough nutrients. Causes include a poor diet, digestive conditions or another disease. Symptoms are fatigue, dizziness and weight loss. Untreated malnutrition can cause physical or mental disability. Treatment must address any underlying conditions and replace missing nutrients.


Obesity is generally caused by eating too much and moving too little. If you consume high amounts of energy, particularly fat and sugars, but do not burn off the energy through exercise and physical activity, much of the surplus energy will be stored by the body as fat. There’s ample research on foods and diet patterns that protect against heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. The good news is that many of the foods that help prevent disease also seem to help with weight control-foods like whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria found in certain foods or supplements. Prebiotics are types of fiber that feed the friendly bacteria in the digestive system.

Nutraceuticals are products, which other than nutrition are also used as medicine. A nutraceutical product may be defined as a substance, which has physiological benefit or provides protection against chronic disease. A product that is added to the diet. A nutritional supplement is taken by mouth, and usually contains one or more dietary ingredient (such as vitamin, mineral, herb, amino acid, and enzyme. Some supplements can help assure that you get enough of the vital substances the body needs to function; others may help reduce the risk of disease.